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6 Reasons We Need More Green Space in School Yards

  For 15 years, the TurfMutt Foundation has advocated for the care and use of school yards, parks, backyards, and other green spaces. These outdoor areas facilitate “backyarding,” the act of taking everyday activities that we normally do inside into the outdoor spaces around us, such as learning, studying, socializing, exercising, and more. This not

Going Green: Maximizing Sustainability in K-12 Spaces

  By exploring various design strategies and considerations that take sustainability to the next level, K-12 schools can become catalysts for economic growth and academic progress. Forward-thinking designers and educators all play a pivotal role in driving this change. AMPLIFYING LEARNING POTENTIAL WITH CLEAN INDOOR AIR AND NATURAL LIGHT Indoor air quality and ample daylight

How Flooring Can Optimize Learning

  While education design continues to evolve into more collaborative and inclusive environments that foster diverse learning styles and student/teacher needs, we are in the midst of another shift where these approaches are being perfected and improved. In large part, the traditional classroom with rows of desks facing a lecturing teacher are gone. The classroom

How Common Areas Support Learning

  Common spaces in 21st century schools are areas that exist in virtually all buildings but have never been utilized for learning. And, they can be as different as the school buildings they’re in. From hallways to stairwells, what was once dead space is being put to work in innovative new ways. Often outfitted with

Technology for K-12 Campuses

  By Felix Zayas As Christian school administrators plan technology for their campuses, it can be overwhelming to review all the technology trends in K-12 education. Based on our expertise and trends in education as a whole, this article provides an overview of the top four current technological trends to focus your planning on in

Furnishings and Amenities for Outdoor Learning

  As the new school year gets under way, educational facilities welcome back students, faculty, families and visitors. While these school buildings have seen many changes in the needs, requirements and recommendations for health, safety and security in recent years, some important elements remain the same. Specifically, the site furnishings that add to the outdoor

Embracing Multi-Use Learning Spaces in K-12 Schools

  In an era where “one size fits all” has become increasingly outdated, the design of K-12 schools is no exception. Gone are the days of rigid, single-purpose classrooms that merely serve as vessels for information delivery. Enter the age of flexible, multi-use learning spaces that foster creativity, collaboration and adaptability. Adapting to the Dynamics

Digital Signage Injects Meaning into K12 Communications

  Few audiovisual technologies have as broad of an appeal or variety of use cases as digital signage. Once primarily an informational tool for consumer-facing businesses, digital signage has found its way into nearly every public and private vertical. K12 schools have increasingly embraced digital signage as a way to communicate inspirational content and messages

Tips for Creating a Cleaning Plan That Suits Your School

  According to the Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association, 22 million school days are lost each year due to the common cold, and up to 38 million school days due to the flu. These numbers are staggering, but not surprising. Schools are a breeding ground of viruses, bacteria, dirt, dust, and infections. Poor hygiene leads to

Making the Right Flooring Choice

  By Cynthia Ray When it comes to flooring for your school, how do you make the right choice? Let’s be honest. Out of all the finish materials that go into a school, the most performance is expected out of flooring. It has to hold up to high foot traffic but be easy to maintain.
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