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Are You a PE Pirate?

  By Pete Charrette “Always be yourself, unless you can be a pirate. Then always be a pirate.” Historically, pirates have been given a bad rap…and for good reason. They were cruel and ruthless characters who plundered the high seas to steal treasure and pillage innocent groups of people. They could be despicable and merciless,

Helping Kids Grow with Study Skills

  By Denise Rice It is no secret that the key to student success is like a puzzle. Many pieces must fit together for optimal success. Students must have a desire and drive to succeed. It’s helpful when parents walk alongside both the school and the student providing help and support as needed. And the

The Importance of Vocabulary

  By Joe Oswald Without a strong vocabulary, a person’s educational and employment opportunities are limited, especially in today’s fast-paced, competitive, and global society. With study after study showing the correlation between an extensive vocabulary and higher socio-economic status, the need for a strong vocabulary has never been more important. A March 11, 2010, article

Successful Traits to Achieve a Positive Culture of Assessment  

  By Trenton Goble Changing our perspective on assessments can take them from a time-consuming necessity to a useful resource to provide pathways to a better future in academia. Scary evaluations are a thing of the past. In a school atmosphere where evaluations are seen as roadmaps for successful learning, teachers and students both win.

Creating a Coherent Curriculum

  By Steven Weber Every school needs a coherent curriculum. It’s the role of an instructional leader to develop that curriculum. Teachers and administrators can begin to lose sight of that when they focus on local and statewide initiatives, which can easily consume every minute of the day. Beane wrote, “coherent curriculum is one that

The Best Ways to Use Tablets in the Classroom with Students

By Jamie Goodwin There are lots of ways to use tablets in the classroom to benefit your students. Try these eight ways to utilize these devices to increase your students’ experience. Watch Video Clips Whenever you can tie videos into a lesson, you can cater to your visual learners. Plus, who doesn’t enjoy watching a

Phonics: The Key Ingredients for Success

By Wiley Blevins Active. Engaging. Thought-Provoking. What do these words describe? The type of phonics instruction that maximizes the instructional impact of our teaching and increases student learning. Phonics involves learning the relationship between sounds and letters. Approximately 84, of the words in English, can be sounded out using the basic phonics skills commonly taught

Essential Questions for Selecting the Right Digital Content Providers

Trying to figure out which digital content providers are right for your school is difficult. Though the digital content market is still in its nascent stages, it is already diverse and complex enough to overwhelm many teachers or school leaders who are trying to decide which products to choose. Faced with the prospect of selecting

Keyboarding Skill: The Best Bargain in Town

For as little as $5 per student per year (in some cases even less), students can get one of the most useful skills they will ever have: the ability to communicate fluently through the keyboard. All educators know that students need keyboarding skill for online testing. Many students will need it for college entrance qualification,

What Are the Attributes of High-Quality Curriculum?

By Angela Di Michele Lalor As part of The Unique Animal Kingdom, students explore the question, are all animals the same? During the unit, students develop the understanding that while all animals share common characteristics, each has unique features that set them apart from other animals. Each student chooses an animal that can be found
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