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5 Tips to Maximize Gym Space with Portable Partitions

October 3, 2022 jill Blog


A school fieldhouse or gymnasium can host a lot of events and activities. From intramural tournaments to local blood drives, there is a wide array of community events that need space to operate. When coordinating a schedule for this type of facility, it’s a good idea to be as adaptable as possible.

Here are just a couple of reasons you could use gym partitions to maximize your space.


Social distancing is a practice that is not going away for quite some time. Using physical barriers can help control larger crowds from forming to enhance social distancing. For instance, gyms can sometimes double as a cafeteria in some schools.

By using portable partitions, educators can limit the number of students to an area by surrounding each table. They can also help create a smaller room within a room if teachers need extra classroom space.


Many fieldhouses have the floor to ceiling curtain dividers that separate several individual basketball courts. While these curtains can do well for some tasks, they aren’t very flexible regarding their location in the gym. Depending on the sport, portable room dividers are a much better option for training camps.

During a training camp, there are usually tens to hundreds of athletes participating who need to be directed to the correct spot in the gym. By using dividers, the camp leaders can set up various drill stations and limit distractions at each one. Trainees can keep their attention on the task at hand and hopefully amplify their skills.

If there are areas that need restricted access or hide unused equipment, gym partitions can also create a visual barrier in front of those, as well.


During any season, multiple teams might need gym space all at once. Especially in high school, where JV, Varsity, and sometimes even Freshman levels need to practice, floor space can be limited. Not to mention, there are both male and female teams of each level, as well.

If there are not enough full-length courts/fields for all of the teams to practice, they might have to limit themselves to only half of one to work on drills and plays. By placing a divider in the middle of the court, players can focus on their own practice instead of everyone else that isn’t a part of their team.


Another potential use for a gymnasium is hosting a community blood drive. By using dividers, a blood drive can be contained to one section of the fieldhouse so other areas can remain in use for different activities.

Portable walls can also create a private rest area for those that get dizzy from their donations. Students can recharge with food and water away from peering eyes until they are ready to go back to class.


When either local or national voting comes around every couple of years in the United States, gymnasiums can become excellent polling places. Since they are so spacious, they can accommodate many of the general town’s population.

By using temporary walls, you can create your own voting stations for extra privacy. The representatives that people vote for should remain private unless they choose otherwise, and privacy screens can help shield their ballots.

Also, in times of social distancing, dividers can help direct the flow of traffic and minimize the number of people in one spot of the room.

Running a space as big as a fieldhouse can be daunting, but by using gym partitions, you can make the most of your space and accommodate as many people as possible.

This article is courtesy of Screenflex Portable Partitions, a leading manufacturer of portable room dividers for over 30 years,

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