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Air Quality Monitoring in Schools and Classrooms

  Before 2020, air quality monitoring wasn’t among many people’s top concerns for schools. Too often, inadequate ventilation and harmful indoor air pollution went unnoticed. The pandemic changed that. Now, indoor air quality is the center of conversation for many parents, teachers, and school administrators who understand the role of clean indoor air in creating

5 Key Indoor Air Quality Issues in Schools

  By Regina Vaicekonyte In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, many schools across the nation are now prioritizing IAQ and ventilation. The Center for Green Schools recently published a report detailing indoor air quality measures schools have implemented in response to the pandemic. The study found that among the 47 school districts and independent schools

Clean Air, a 21st Century Dilemma

  By Andrew Desmarais A lot has changed over the last 18 months. If we’re lucky, one of those changes will be our conviction, approach and investment in opportunities to improve indoor air quality (IAQ). Breathing clean air has implications not only in schools but across the built environment. From pathogen mitigation to improved cognition

Air Quality in Educational Facilities

  By Trey Fly Air quality in educational facilities has always been very important. Schools have a high concentration of people that come and go every day, often bringing in new germs from the outside world. There are many studies over the years that correlate poor air quality with lower test scores and increased absences.
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