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School Facilities & Campus

6 Reasons We Need More Green Space in School Yards

  For 15 years, the TurfMutt Foundation has advocated for the care and use of school yards, parks, backyards, and other green spaces. These outdoor areas facilitate “backyarding,” the act of taking everyday activities that we normally do inside into the outdoor spaces around us, such as learning, studying, socializing, exercising, and more. This not

Going Green: Maximizing Sustainability in K-12 Spaces

  By exploring various design strategies and considerations that take sustainability to the next level, K-12 schools can become catalysts for economic growth and academic progress. Forward-thinking designers and educators all play a pivotal role in driving this change. AMPLIFYING LEARNING POTENTIAL WITH CLEAN INDOOR AIR AND NATURAL LIGHT Indoor air quality and ample daylight

How Flooring Can Optimize Learning

  While education design continues to evolve into more collaborative and inclusive environments that foster diverse learning styles and student/teacher needs, we are in the midst of another shift where these approaches are being perfected and improved. In large part, the traditional classroom with rows of desks facing a lecturing teacher are gone. The classroom

How Common Areas Support Learning

  Common spaces in 21st century schools are areas that exist in virtually all buildings but have never been utilized for learning. And, they can be as different as the school buildings they’re in. From hallways to stairwells, what was once dead space is being put to work in innovative new ways. Often outfitted with

Technology for K-12 Campuses

  By Felix Zayas As Christian school administrators plan technology for their campuses, it can be overwhelming to review all the technology trends in K-12 education. Based on our expertise and trends in education as a whole, this article provides an overview of the top four current technological trends to focus your planning on in

Furnishings and Amenities for Outdoor Learning

  As the new school year gets under way, educational facilities welcome back students, faculty, families and visitors. While these school buildings have seen many changes in the needs, requirements and recommendations for health, safety and security in recent years, some important elements remain the same. Specifically, the site furnishings that add to the outdoor

Embracing Multi-Use Learning Spaces in K-12 Schools

  In an era where “one size fits all” has become increasingly outdated, the design of K-12 schools is no exception. Gone are the days of rigid, single-purpose classrooms that merely serve as vessels for information delivery. Enter the age of flexible, multi-use learning spaces that foster creativity, collaboration and adaptability. Adapting to the Dynamics

Digital Signage Injects Meaning into K12 Communications

  Few audiovisual technologies have as broad of an appeal or variety of use cases as digital signage. Once primarily an informational tool for consumer-facing businesses, digital signage has found its way into nearly every public and private vertical. K12 schools have increasingly embraced digital signage as a way to communicate inspirational content and messages

Tips for Creating a Cleaning Plan That Suits Your School

  According to the Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association, 22 million school days are lost each year due to the common cold, and up to 38 million school days due to the flu. These numbers are staggering, but not surprising. Schools are a breeding ground of viruses, bacteria, dirt, dust, and infections. Poor hygiene leads to

Making the Right Flooring Choice

  By Cynthia Ray When it comes to flooring for your school, how do you make the right choice? Let’s be honest. Out of all the finish materials that go into a school, the most performance is expected out of flooring. It has to hold up to high foot traffic but be easy to maintain.

Three Reasons Why Everyone Has a Role to Play in the Green Schools Movement

  By Jennifer Seydel A California statewide coalition of nearly 50 education and children’s health experts banded together to explore climate change from the unique perspective of health and education for children. Through their research, 14 evidence-based recommendations were developed to center resilience against climate change within California’s public school systems. It explores how the

Air Quality Monitoring in Schools and Classrooms

  Before 2020, air quality monitoring wasn’t among many people’s top concerns for schools. Too often, inadequate ventilation and harmful indoor air pollution went unnoticed. The pandemic changed that. Now, indoor air quality is the center of conversation for many parents, teachers, and school administrators who understand the role of clean indoor air in creating

5 Creative Ways Schools Use Modular Construction

  By Eric Pellerin The best part about modular construction is that it can be useful in nearly every industry. Over the years, we’ve seen many unique uses for modular buildings. The educational sector is one of the most prominent industries taking advantage of modular construction benefits. Here are five unique ways schools are leveraging

Transforming Cafeteria Space to Increase Meal Participation

  Cafeterias of the past were often designed with one basic purpose in mind: to move students through the serving line as quickly and efficiently as possible. And as the number of students grew over the years, space constraints often necessitated changes that emphasized the “get in, get out” mindset. As a result, many traditional

High-Speed, Energy-Efficient Hand Dryers: A Perfect Solution for Schools

  Anyone who has ever set foot inside a school restroom will tell you: students can be quite messy. From paper towels strewn across the floor to water pooled on countertops, unsanitary conditions frequently present an issue in these high-traffic environments. Fortunately, high-speed, energy-efficient hand dryers have been proven to provide the perfect touchless solution

5 Tips to Maximize Gym Space with Portable Partitions

  A school fieldhouse or gymnasium can host a lot of events and activities. From intramural tournaments to local blood drives, there is a wide array of community events that need space to operate. When coordinating a schedule for this type of facility, it’s a good idea to be as adaptable as possible. Here are

6 Ideas for Your Digital Signage for Schools

  Research has shown that 73% of learning institutions agreed that digital signage for schools is crucial in building better communication. Many schools are looking for school signage ideas to reach their students, teachers, and staff effectively. Why are educational institutions looking for school signage ideas and have digital signage running? The answer is simple:

Furnishing the Outdoor Classroom

  By Pat McNamara What better way to bring to life what kids are learning about inside the classroom than to bring them outdoors where they can spread out, get creative, and truly experience learning? The pandemic created a need for kids to social, or rather physical, distance from each other. As such, outdoor learning

It’s Time to Go Touchless

  As the world continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, public health officials have kept up messaging that focuses on the importance of handwashing to prevent the spread of disease. Since hand drying is just as critical as handwashing to curtailing the transmission of dangerous viruses and bacteria, a pertinent question remains: should you

Libraries that Empower New Learners

  By Mariana Lavezzo Library design has evolved from the traditional centralized model, serving as a destination for quiet learning activities and reading, to a media resource center with more of a coffee house vibe. Many libraries are taking out outdated computer labs and replacing them with makerspaces of varying scales for digital creations, tinkering

Which Resinous Flooring Options Are Right for Your School?

  By Heather McKay Choosing the right flooring in a school environment requires a bit more planning than one might think. While color schemes and aesthetics typically get a lot of attention, it’s important to consider flooring performance, as well. Resinous flooring, while extremely versatile, may or may not be the best fit for every

5 Things You Should Keep in Mind Before Shopping for School Kitchen Equipment

  The future of a country depends on its youth, and in this sense, making sure all the children of America are well-fed is a patriot act. School cafeterias and dining halls are responsible for the care and safety of many students and school staff members. School kitchen equipment is thus manufactured to serve large

Designing an Enduring Educational Future

  By Ryan Walters Every building has a story. A water story, a safety story, an energy story. For us, these stories all intertwine with sustainability. We believe sustainable design is inseparable from great design. So, what does sustainability mean when it comes to educational architecture? While we have known for some time of the

Why Schools Need Professional Cleaning Services After COVID-19

  With professional cleaning services, staff and students can be safer from infection and go to school each day with genuine peace of mind. Every school can benefit from hiring professionals. In order to make a decision, it’s important to fully understand what those benefits are. The first benefit is straightforward, but it can also

Cleaning. Sanitizing. Disinfecting.

  The pandemic has blurred the lines between cleaning and disinfecting. They are two separate processes; however, they are now the same in the mind of the building occupant/user. COVID has wholly changed how “clean” is looked at in an educational environment. Clean is now not just viewed as “tidy”—it is now viewed as “safe.”

Modular Classroom Design Trends

  The pandemic has been a disruptive trendsetter. Schools are already moving in a new direction with innovative, future-proof classrooms that transition learning environments for a new era of learning. For a long time, new schools looked a lot like old schools. Change was gradual as learning evolved with technology and design shifted to support

Planning a Reader-Centered Library Update

  By Jolie Conahan Students that read for pleasure are much more likely to do well academically. What is it, though, that motivates students to pick up a new book and read it for pleasure? Take a journey in your student’s shoes. What do they see when they enter the library, and does that view

Safely Slide into the Winter: Slips, Trips and Fall Season

  By John P. Morris While slips, trips and falls occur year-round, sweater weather is the perfect time to think about fall prevention. Fall hazards exist everywhere, such as slippery leaves, wet and icy pavement and winter decorations with frightening wires posing severe tripping hazards. They can’t be ignored, even when schools are extremely busy

Clean Air, a 21st Century Dilemma

  By Andrew Desmarais A lot has changed over the last 18 months. If we’re lucky, one of those changes will be our conviction, approach and investment in opportunities to improve indoor air quality (IAQ). Breathing clean air has implications not only in schools but across the built environment. From pathogen mitigation to improved cognition

Flex Spaces in Schools

  In today’s schools, flexibility is key to serving an ever-changing array of student and instructor needs. Here are some of the trends our K-12 team is seeing, and implementing, in educational facilities. Q: What are some of the materials/features supporting flex spaces that are popular with schools these days? CHAD RETTKE, CONSTRUCTION EXECUTIVE: The

Returning Back to School While Keeping Kids Healthy and Safe

  As we prepare to for students to return to school and to re-enter this “new normal” of post-pandemic life, it is important to consider the impact that cleanliness can play in creating successful faculty, students and community. Younger children are more likely to touch their face, and other surfaces, than adults, which makes it

What Can Marquee Signs Do for Your School?

  By Tyler Pratt Marquee signs have been a staple to educational buildings and schools dating back to the classic one-room schoolhouse. They provide the school’s name, logo, colors, and give spirit to the campus upon arrival. They have evolved greatly over time: starting very basic, then adding customized messages through changeable lettering boxes, to

Furnishing Your School’s Exterior

  By Angela Maloney Outdoor spaces can offer a place to play, to work, to explore, to connect and to learn. After a year of changing guidelines and imposed restrictions, the outdoors have become more important than they ever have been and perhaps should always be. Are your school facilities and exterior spaces equipped with

Utilizing Polished Concrete Flooring in Schools

  One of the growing school renovation trends is implementing polished concrete floors into schools all over the country. Many schools are looking to polished concrete because of how many benefits come with it. Polished concrete can be placed pretty much anywhere in a school, including bathrooms, hallways, cafeterias, entryways, auditoriums and classrooms. There are

Indoor Air Quality Trends for COVID Reentry

  By Robert F. Goodfellow The current COVID-19 pandemic has placed a lot of emphasis on indoor air quality. With respect to HVAC systems, experts have stressed increasing outdoor ventilation air, MERV 13 or better air filtration, and use of portable air cleaners and germicidal UVC lights. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a complex issue.

How Modular Classrooms Can Help with Social Distancing

  Modular buildings have been a solution for overcrowding in schools for years. With many schools returning with in-person or face-to-face learning, the need for additional space is more important than ever. Modular classrooms offer a temporary solution with all the comforts of a regular classroom, and we have developed solutions for not only additional

Cafeteria Design Impacts Student Participation

  By Teri Wilson-Ruggles The school cafeteria is frequented by a large majority of students every day. The space serves a primary purpose of providing a dining area to provide nutrition to all who participate. However, as the need arises, these spaces have had to be transformed into versatile multi-purpose spaces due to increasing lack

Implementing Safety Graphics

  As schools begin to reopen their classrooms for in-person learning, educators must adapt new safety practices and protocols such as: Placing social distancing signage throughout their facility Creating emergency and contingency plans in case of infection Securing hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes for their campus Instituting new cleaning procedures Mandating face masks and desk

What Can Schools Learn About Effective Sanitation from Food Manufacturing?

  By Bob Ogren This back-to-school season will go down in history. Eyes around the nation were fixated on schools as administrators and board members made decisions about re-opening plans in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Private Christian schools played a big role in the return to school, in part because some families needed

Post-Pandemic Learning Environments

  By Steven Herr, AIA For educators, students and families, 2020 has been a test of patience and persistence. Finishing the school year remotely, creating contingency plans for a new year and preparing facilities for in-person learning this fall has forced many of us to reflect on the state of our learning environments. Even if

Air Quality in Educational Facilities

  By Trey Fly Air quality in educational facilities has always been very important. Schools have a high concentration of people that come and go every day, often bringing in new germs from the outside world. There are many studies over the years that correlate poor air quality with lower test scores and increased absences.

10 Spaces Every School Should Update with Signs Before Reopening

  Signs and graphics have always been used to provide direction, impart information, and inspire new behavior, but in a world adapting to a whole new mode of thinking, they become guiding lights on the pathway to safety. Exterior Yard signs can incorporate directional messages or imagery to point students and staff where they need

The Three Keys to a Return to Operations

  By Nathan Parr The world’s response to COVID-19 impacted us all. The return to school operations will bring families that have elevated expectations for a clean facility with a heightened understanding that it takes more to do it right. Schools have always faced a higher risk for exposure to, well, everything. With the return

School Cafeteria: Cleaning, Sanitizing and Targeted Disinfecting

  After a very long and unexpected break, halls and classrooms will soon be filled with returning students and staff. This extended vacation is the ideal time to get some targeted deep cleaning done. One of the most challenging places to clean is the school cafeteria. School cafeterias and kitchen areas contain a legion of

The Role of Sports Flooring Systems in Indoor Air Quality

  By Don Brown When considering the air quality in your school, it’s likely that sports flooring isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. Unfortunately, not all floors, adhesives and other materials are made equal, and many of them can release pollutants into the air over time. So, when planning a sports floor installation

Buyer’s Guide to Modular Buildings

  Modular buildings are the epitome of modern construction, symbolizing how technology and research has led us to develop structures that are cost-effective and energy-efficient. With the potential to cut costs by 20 percent, it is not surprising why modular buildings are gaining popularity across the globe. Want to know more? This guide will walk

Kitchen Equipment Essentials for School Cafeterias

  Essential kitchen equipment for school cafeterias includes cook and hold ovens, steam tables, merchandising refrigeration, and heated merchandiser units. A school cafeteria serves a critical function beyond that of any typical restaurant. While the latter’s chief goal is to provide guests with a pleasant dining experience, cafeterias have the responsibility of providing the primary

Flexible Design for Multipurpose Spaces

  By Julie Wenckowski As schools are moving towards a more holistic approach to learning, creating flexible spaces that accommodate a variety of pedagogical learning styles has become a critical design element. Schools are removing sterile and cold spaces like cafeterias and large hallways and transforming them into flexible, functional spaces. Here are a few

How K-12 Facilities Impact Student Health and Learning

  By Eleanor Jacobson It is important to make sure your K-12 facilities are ready for the back to school season – all from a preventative maintenance perspective. And while being proactive in our facilities is important, there’s another benefit to keeping our school buildings in top shape: the well-being of our students. Asset longevity,

5 Ways Wall Graphics Build Community and School Pride

Schools are very important and influential institutions. From preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, and even college, school is the place where we spend almost a quarter of our lifetime. Even after we had graduated, we still feel emotional ties with our alma maters. Those years in one place have deeply imprinted their environment,

Using Assets in Nature to Create Playgrounds

Playgrounds have come a long way over the last decade. One of the most important movements in playground design has been using a more natural materials in the design of playgrounds. When you use more natural elements, these are more enticing to both adults and children. By using natural shade, native plant life, trees, and

5 Things to Think About When It Comes to School Flooring

By Sonya Myers Choosing the right school flooring should be an easy choice. And while there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, here are five criteria to help you select flooring that looks good and works hard. 1. Longevity Ideally, whatever flooring you choose for your school facilities will last a long time, and good flooring will be

Modular Buildings for Sports Complexes

Sports complexes today are becoming more and more intricate, involving a variety of different structures and buildings. Depending on the organization the complex is for, the facility can house practice fields, indoor training facilities, concession stands, practices fields, or even full-blown stadiums. Most of these buildings are small to medium in size. Modular construction provides

Identifying Effective Design Trends for School Multipurpose Halls

Pre-K–12 education has become far more sophisticated over the years, and with that has come the need to re-evaluate how school design must evolve to keep up with the current curriculum. There is a greater emphasis on student collaboration and creativity today, and technology has become a standard part of every learning environment. Many elementary,

5 Time-Tested Tips for K-12 Design

Rapid technology advancements, sustainable design and new pedagogies incorporating various learning styles have permanently changed the way students learn. Consequently, school designers are modifying their approaches to incorporate these elements while still meeting fundamental student needs. I’ve been designing schools for a long time, and I’ve seen trends come and go. Here are five time-tested

5 Tips to Improve School Grounds

Those in charge of the grounds at schools should not underestimate the importance of grounds in contributing to school pride, first impressions and a professional image. It matters little the state of your school buildings when your grounds are the first thing people see. So, put some serious thought into ensuring your school grounds are

4 Steps for Marketing Your Food Program

Marketing is one of the most overlooked areas in school food. As operators, we get so caught up in the rules that we forget who we are there to serve. People like to feel part of things. They like to be kept informed and in the know. They are drawn by excitement. Students are people,

Digital Signage for Schools

Modern technology is evolving every day. It is a part of most of our daily activities. School time should be no exception. Neither kids nor parents want to see old chalkboards. It is shown that students are a lot more enthusiastic about learning when the experience is interactive. Digital signage can bring that interactive experience

The Importance of Entrance Matting

By Robert Segers Often overlooked and many times an afterthought, the proper matting at your building’s entrances can be the best investment you make to protect your interior flooring as well as the safety and well-being of your students, faculty, staff and visitors. Eighty percent of soil, dust, contaminants and moisture are tracked in on

Top 5 Myths About Modular Construction

There are a lot of misnomers out there in regards to modular construction and modular buildings. We have listed the top 5 that we come across on a regular basis and how modular can be the best and most cost-efficient solution for your project! Myth 1 Modular Buildings Are Low Quality Modular construction is the

The Effectiveness & Longevity of Multipurpose Rooms

By Julie Wenckowski Recently I worked with a school district that had a mixture of newer and older buildings. While the new buildings are constructed for the 21st Century learner, the older buildings’ “traditional” structure fell short. Administrators challenged the faculty and staff to think outside the box and transform the older buildings to meet

High-Speed, Energy-Efficient Hand Dryers Help Schools Pass the Sustainability Test

By Rick Ritacco Across the nation, greening initiatives have moved educational institutions of all kinds—public and private, religiously affiliated and non-religious—to examine their facilities’ every corner for eco-friendly opportunities. It stands to reason that an increasing number have considered the restrooms; after all, in any building where scores of people convene, the restrooms may well

Top 5 Uses of Digital Signage for Schools

Digital signage can help bring an entire school together. It’s bright, colorful, and easily noticed! Built with LEDs, these signs are simple to program with the exact message you want. LED signs go far beyond just informing your students and faculty. They help to include your local community in events, celebrate school achievements, and can

Ten Tips on Selecting a Janitorial Cart

A well-organized and properly designed janitorial cart can make the custodian’s job easier, safer, and more effective, while improving productivity. For cleaning contractors and facility managers, improving worker productivity often means work gets done faster and janitorial workers can attend to more cleaning tasks, such as those addressed only if time allows. According to Dennis

Resilient Flooring for Schools: Why, Where and How

By Tom Plaskota As its name makes clear, resilient flooring is designed to hold up in demanding environments. Its durability and stain and water resistance make it a popular choice for busy – and potentially messy! – school spaces. Historically, vinyl composition tile has been the most popular and most economical flooring choice for schools.

Modular Design Can Be Both High-Quality and Fast

Contrary to general assumptions, the design process for industrial wood construction can be both high-quality and fast. The advantages of modular design are clear. Dimensionally accurate wood elements can help in improving both the technical design process and collaboration between partners. Prefabricated wood elements enable fast, efficient and easy design without reducing quality. Reports on